A) 5 Minutes of quality:
10 Calorie Bike
10 Walking Lunges
5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Strict DB Press
B) 9-6-3:
Overhead Squat, with Empty Bar
Pause Overhead Squat
5 reps @ RPE 6
5 reps @ RPE 7
5 reps @ RPE 8×2 rounds
Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions in the Overhead Squat for 2 sets.
Note: the pause is at the bottom of the overhead squat position for a 1 count pause.
Strength Tip
Overhead squat: using a squat rack, place the bar on your back, with your hands in your overhead squat/ snatch grip. Push the bar overhead with your arms locked out, and squat down until the hip crease is below parallel.
EMOM x 12 min:
Minute 1:
20 “Heavy” Wall Balls
Minute 2:
12/9 Calorie Bike
Minute 3:
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Minute 4:
9 Handstand Push-Ups.
AX: 12/9 Calorie Bike. 12 Ring Rows. 9 DB press
RX: As is
RX+: 4 Muscle-Ups. 9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Workout Tip
AX – for masters athletes or novice athletes that want to move and have fun.
RX – most athletes that have training experience and want a little push!
RX+ – competitive athletes that want a little more dose of the good stuff.
Each minute station should have 15-20 seconds of rest. Scale repetitions or movements in order to get the necessary rest.