A) 1 Round:
500m Row
20m Bear Crawl
20m Crab Walk
1 Minute Plank
B) 2 rounds:
3 Strict Ring Pull-Ups
4 Step-Ups
3 Strict Bar Dips
4 Step-Ups
EMOMx12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Muscle Ups + Dips
Minute 2 – Max Calorie Bike
Minute 3 – Rest
Objective: choose a muscle-up variation (ring or bar) and complete muscle-ups plus a certain amount of dips in the minute 1 section. In the second minute complete a submaximal effort on the calories on the bike and the third minute is rest. Repeat for a total of 4 rounds.
Minute 1:
RX+: 3 Muscle-Ups + 6 Dips
RX: 2 Muscle-Ups + 4 Dips
AX: 1 Strict Pull-Ups + 8 Hand-Release Push-Ups
Double Dumbbell Lunges, 50#/35#
Rope Climb
RX+: Legless Rope Climb
Workout Tip
Dumbbells should be a weight that you can complete in 2 sets or less each round. With the double-unders, complete all repetitions in 75 seconds or less. Scale as needed.
Home Variation
20 Minute AMRAP:
30 Second Hollow Hold
15 Hollow Rocks
30 Mountain Climbers
15 Burpees