3 Rounds:
200m Run
200m Row
15 Russian Swings
15 Knee Raises
1 Count Pause Deadlift
6 Reps @ RPE5
6 Reps @ RPE6
6 Reps @ RPE7
6 Reps @ RPE8x1
Note: the pause is a full 1 count right below the knee. After you pause, complete the full movement with the hips extended. Return to the ground and repeat for the prescribed repetitions.
Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 6 repetitions in the Pause Front Squat or 1 set.
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout.
Variation A
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Rounds. Alternating Station A and B.
Station A:
200m Row
15 GHD Sit-Ups
Station B:
40 Double-Unders
15 Toes-to-Bar
Variation B
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Rounds. Alternating Station A and B.
Station A:
200m Run
20 V-Ups
Station B:
40 Double Unders
20 Sit-Ups
Workout Tip
For Variation A and B make sure to have at least 15 seconds in each 60-second station.