
200M Run

200M Row

20 Walking Lunges

10 Strict Toes-to-Bar

5 Strict Pull-Гps


Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.

Variation A:

2K Row

Every 3 Minutes complete the following until 2k Row is complete:

6-12 One-Legged squat

5-10m Handstand Walk 

Variation B:

Run 1 mile

Every 3 Minutes complete the following until 1-mile run is complete:

6-12 One-Legged squat

5-10m Handstand walk 

Workout Tip

The goal is to complete the prescribed distance and to work on a skill/ variation that is challenging every 3 minutes.

At the following time markers complete the skills and challenging variations:

0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00..etc

Pick up where you left off and complete the distance. For Handstand walking modifications needed scale one-legged squats up to 12-16 repetitions.

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