A) Primer:
200m Run x 3 @ 1:30 min rounds
B) 3:00 min Running Clock:
4 Burpee
Rest 10 sec
5 Toes-to-Bar
Rest 10 sec
*Sub toes-to-bar with sit-up
Power Clean
Heavy singles are generally 90-95% of an athletes 1 Rep Max or (+5lbs previous session) Program weight increases from week 1
A) 3 sets x 3 reps @ 70% of Heavy Single
B) 1 set x 5 reps @ 90% of set (A)
Objective- Match your reps in sets (A) and (B).
* Heavy singles are generally 90-95% of an athletes 1 Rep Max or (+5lbs previous session) Program weight increases from week 1
– Rest 90 sec between sets
Strict Pull-Up
4 sets x 3 reps from fail
– Rest 90 sec between sets
Tempo: 1:1:2 (1 sec up,1 sec hold, 2 sec down)
*Training 3 reps from failure means train until you think you have 3 reps left in the tank, then stop.
Strength Tip
Power Clean: place feet and legs directly beneath your hips. “Athletic Position”. Hands are placed on the bar just wide enough to not interfere with your legs during the pull. Make the rotation of your elbows fast during the catch and drop under the weight by pulling yourself under the bar. Move your feet wide enough that you can drop into your pelvis while staying above parallel.
Strict Pull-Up: keep your elbows under the bar, this will make it easier to raise your chest to the bar. Reach full range of motion and extend at the bottom position to avoid placing overload on your arms/biceps.
30 Clean and Jerk for time, 95#/65#