
A) EMOMx10 minutes:

40 seconds Row

B) 3 Rounds:

10m Broad Jumps
10 Air Squats
10M Bear Crawl
10 Air Squats


Back Squat

5 reps @ RPE 6
5 reps @ RPE 7
5 reps @ RPE 8
5 reps @ RPE 9
1 more set of 5 at a -10% drop of 5 reps @ RPE 9

Strength Tip

Objective: build to an RPE of 9 for 1 set of 5 repetitions with every weight jump. Once you reach your 5 reps @ RPE 9,take 10% off that number and perform 1 more set of 5 repetitions.

Keep your midsection tight and send your butt slightly back and down. Avoid letting your back round, maintain thoracic extension and only squat as low as proper form allows. Weight should be in the middle of your foot as you reach the bottom – and as you come up from the bottom of the squat.

In this set, we use the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges from 1-10, with 1 being absolutely no effort, and 10 being a maximum effort.


For Time:

8 Front Squats, 115#/75#
8 Burpees Over The Bar
32 Calorie Bike
8 Front Squats, 115#/75#
8 Burpees Over The Bar
24 Calorie Bike
8 Front Squats
8 Burpees Over The Bar
16 Calorie Bike
8 Front Squats
8 Burpees Over The Bar
8 Calorie Bike

Workout Tip

Front Squats: You should be able to complete each set of front squats in 2 sets or less. Scale load as needed.

Calorie on a Bike: the first round of the bike should not take you more than 4 minutes, the second round should not take you more than 3 minutes, the 3rd round should not take you more than 2 minutes, and the final fourth round should not take you more than 1 minute.

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