Warm-Up A) Primer: 200m Run x 3 @ 1:30 min rounds B) 3:00 min Running Clock: 4 Burpee Rest 10 sec 5 Toes-to-Bar Rest 10 sec *Sub toes-to-bar with sit-up Strength Power Clean Heavy singles are generally 90-95% of an athletes 1 Rep Max or (+5lbs previous session) Program weight increases from week 1 A) …
Category Archives: Daily WOD
Friday 04.12.24
Warm-Up A) Block Warmup 7:00 min running clock 0:00-3:00 4 Knee Raises 3 Push-Ups 40 yd Sprint 3:00-4:00 Rest 4:00-7:00 1 Wall Climb 5 Kipping Ring Dips 10 Lunges *Sub ring dip with bench dip B) 200m Farmer Carry for time, 53lb/35lb Strength Strict Press A) 1 set x 5 reps @ 70% of Heavy …
Thursday 04.11.24
Warm-Up A) 10-8-6-4 Kettlebell Swing 35lb/26lb Air Squat – Rest 20sec *Sub Kettlebell Swing with Burpee B) 3 Rounds x Max Effort: 1min Deadlift, with empty bar 1min Sit-Up – Rest 90sec *Max effort means as many reps as you can during time domain Strength Deadlift A) 1 set x 5 reps @ 70% of …
Wednesday 04.10.24
Warm-Up A) 4 Rounds: 250m Row 5 Kipping Pull Up 10 GHD Sit Up * Sub row with 200m run * Sub GHD with Sit-Up * Rest 60 sec between sections A and B B) 15-12-9: Hand Release Push-Up Wall Ball 20lb/14lb Strength Bench Press A) 3 sets x 5 reps @ 70% of 1 …
Tuesday 04.09.24
Warm-Up A) 4:00 Running Clock 3 Box Jump 30”/24” (or high as possible) 6 Barbell Back Squat 18 Double-Under *sub double under with 30 singles B) Sprints 3 Sets 40 yd sprint 45 sec rest *Keep your pace consistent, don’t drop below 1 sec of your fastest time Strength Back Squat A) 1 set x …
Monday 04.08.24
Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 50 Jump Ropes 25 Mountain Climbers Then, 3 Rounds: 12 Air Squats 9 Push-Ups 12 Sit-Ups Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights (kettlebell or dumbbell) or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: 3 set of max Weighted Squats – 3 Minute Rest in between sets 3 Sets of …
Sunday 04.07.24
Warm-Up A) EMOMx20: A – 45 seconds Jumping Jacks B – 45 seconds Wall Walk C – 45 seconds Burpee No Push Up D – 45 seconds – 2 CT Pause Air Squat Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: 20 Minutes: 20 Dumbbell Power Cleans …
Saturday 04.06.24
Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 200m Run 20 Jumping jacks 10 Lunges, right leg 10 Lunges, left leg Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: 30-20-10 Kettlebell Swings Kettlebell Goblet Squats 60-40-20: Sit-Ups Variation B: 20-Minute Clock: 15 Push-Ups 15 sec Side Plank Right 15 sec Side …
Friday 04.05.24
Warm-Up A) 800m Run Then, 4 rounds of: 5 Burpees with no push-up 10 Step-Ups 10 Box Jumps B) 3 Rounds: 10 Ring Rows 10 Push-Ups 10 Dumbbell Deadlifts Workout For Time: 400M Run 30-20-10: Dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35# Toes-to-Bar Then, 400m Run 15-20-5: Burpee Box Jump, 30”/24# Strict Pull-Ups Then, 400m Run 40 Burpees with …
Thursday 04.04.24
Warm-Up A) 4 Rounds: 8 Calorie Bike 8 Air Squats 16 Russian Swings 16 Sit-Ups B) 3 rounds with an empty bar: 10 Romanian Deadlifts 10 Bent-Over Rows 10 Back Extensions Strength Deadlifts 4 reps @ RPE 6 4 reps @ RPE 7 4 reps @ RPE 8 4 reps @ RPE 9 2×4 @ …
Wednesday 04.03.24
Warm-Up A) 400m Run Then, 3 rounds of: 10 Dumbbell Press 10 Walking Lunges 10 Burpees With no Push-Up B) 3 Rounds: 4 Strict Press 8 Push Press 8 Kipping Pull-Ups Strength Push Jerk 2 @ RPE 6 2 @ RPE 7 2 @ RPE 8 2@ RPE 9 2×2 @ -8% of 2@ RPE …
Tuesday 04.02.24
Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 1 Minute Bike @ RPE6 Then, 15m Butt Kickers 15m High Knees 15m Broad Jump 15 Close Grip Push-Ups B) 2 rounds: 3 Strict Pull-Ups 9 Sit-Ups 6 Push-Ups 9 GHD Sit-Ups Strength EMOMx15: Minute 1 – Handstand Push-Up Minute 2 – Max Calorie Bike Minute 3 – Rest Objective: choose …