3 Rounds:
10 Calorie Row
10 Air Squats
10 Knee Raises
10 Walking Lunges
10 Ring Rows
Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 reps @ RPE 5
5 reps @ RPE 6
5 reps @ RPE 7
5 reps @ RPE 8
5 reps @ RPE 9 x 1
Objective: Build to an RPE of 9 for 5 repetitions in the Snatch Grip Deadlift for 1 set.
This variation of the deadlift means that the hand position will be the same as your snatch lift.
In this set, we are using the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges from 1-10, with 1 being absolutely no effort, and 10 being a maximum effort.
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.
Variation A::
For Time:
40 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
20 Cal Row
30 Toes to Bar
15 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
10 Cal Row
Variation B:
For Time:
80 Mountain Climbers
400m Run
40 Sit-Ups
400m Run
20 V-Ups
400m Run
Workout Tip
For Variation A, make sure the load on the wall ball is completed in 3 sets or less. Scale load as needed.