It’s easy to set up your RSS feed, you can edit, remove or add your own feed:
- Go to More -> My Feeds.
- To add a feed to an existing category, just open any category and tap + on the bottom right:
- Enter a name, choose category and select if it’s a website or feed, paste the URL (make sure it starts with “http://”)
- Preview the content before saving to make sure it works!
- Hit Save on the top left.
- To create your own category, go to More -> My Feeds and tap + on the bottom right.
- Add feeds to you category by following the steps above, now you’ll see your category on the list.
NOTE: RSS links are tricky to figure out and may vary from website to website.
Here are a few examples:
Pocket WOD feed link looks like this: (Pocket WOD is added by default, DO NOT try to add it again to avoid errors)
If a website doesn’t have a feed, just add a link to a page you’d like to view