
A) 400m Run
1 Minute rest
200m Run
1 Minute Rest
100m Run
1 Minute Rest

B) 3 Rounds:

10 Dumbbell Snatches, left
20 sec Plank Hold, in push-up position
10 Dumbbell Snatches, right
20 sec Bar Hang


The 5 Boroughs:

5 Minute AMRAP:

5 Front Squats, 115#75#
5 Ring Dips

– 2 minutes Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:

10 Cal Row
10 Knees-to-Elbows

– 2 Minute Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:

20 Russian Swings, 53#/35#
20 Double-Unders

– 2 minutes Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:

30 Wall Balls, 14#/10#
30 Sit-Ups

– 2 minutes Rest

5 Minute AMRAP:

400m Run
Max Dumbbell Lunges, 35#/25#

Workout Tip

All movements should be completed in 2 sets or less. Scale movements and or load as needed.

Double Unders: scale to 30 sec of Double-Under practice or 40 Singles for each round.

Dumbbell Lunges: athletes should be able to complete 20 repetitions before needing to put the dumbbells down. Scale load as needed.

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