
A) 2 Rounds:

200m Run

12 Lunges

12 Push-Ups

12 Ring Rows

200m Row


Superset A and B, then rest 3 minutes.

A. Strict Press

3@ RPE6

3@ RPE 7

3 @RPE 8

B. Strict or Weighted  Pull-Ups

3@ RPE6

3@ RPE 7

3 @RPE 8


You should build to a weight that is challenging for both movements, yet you can perform unbroken sets of 3 repetitions every time you touch the bar. You will perform 3 Strict Press followed by 3 Strict or weighted  Pull-Ups if appropriate. After both movements are complete, rest for 3 minutes. If you can not perform Pull-Ups, perform 3 negative Pull-Ups each round.


Variation A:

Every 2 Minutes x 8 Rounds:

Station 1:

200M Row

10 GHD Sit-Ups

Station 2:

40 Double Unders

20 Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35#

Variation B:

Every 2 Minutes x 8 Rounds:

Station 1:

400m Run

Station 2:

20 Hand Release Push-Ups

20 V-Ups

Workout Tip

For both variations make sure to have at least 15-20 seconds of rest in each station. Scale repetitions or distance as needed.

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