A) 5 Rounds:
250m Row
10 Strict Dumbbell Press, 20lb/10lb
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Rest 45 Seconds
*Sub GHD with Sit-Up
3 sets x 5 reps
Objective: find a weight that is moderately challenging to build off of every week for the next 8 weeks. Rest 3 minutes between sets. (Week 6 of 8. Compare to 8/8)
Strength Tip
Press: stand with your feet under your hips, grab the bar with a grip that is slightly outside your shoulders. Squeeze the bar and press the bar overhead as you push your head back to maintain a straight bar path.
Every 3 Minutes for 6 Rounds:
15/12 Calorie Row
15/12 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Sit-Ups
Workout Tip
Row: athletes should not spend more than 60 seconds on the rower.
Hand Release Push-Ups: athletes should not complete their set of 15 in 3 sets or less. Scale repetitions as needed.
Sit-Ups: athletes should not complete their set of 15 in 3 sets or less. Scale repetitions as needed.