
A) 4min AMRAP:

100m Row
10 Lunges, with Slam Ball
10 Ball Slams, 20#

– Rest 30sec

B) 3 Rounds with an empty bar:

4 Strict Press
4 Lunges, with the bar in the front rack position
4 Split Jerks, from behind the neck


Split Jerk

2 Split Jerks Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) x 20

Objective: start the EMOM with an empty bar, and add every 2 perfect sets until EMOM is complete. Once you reach a weight that is challenging or feels like an 8/10 in difficulty, stay there until EMOM is complete. (Compare 8/8)

Strength Tip

Split Jerk: nice and controlled dip, keeping the torso upright. During the dip, weight should be in the middle of the foot. Push aggressively up and land in a solid split stance with the bar locked out over head. Crisp movement is the priority overload.


4 Rounds for time:

10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
15 Hand Release Push-Ups
20 Box Jumps, 24/20”

Workout Tip

Chest to Bar Pull Ups: athletes should be able to complete each round of chest to bar pull ups in 2 sets or less. Athletes should scale to strict pull-ups or ring rows.

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