Beast 12

For Time 25 Walking Lunges 20 Pull-Ups 50 Box Jumps (20 in) 20 Double-Unders 25 Ring Dips 20 Knees-to-Elbows 30 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood) 30 Sit-Ups 20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (35/25 lbs) 25 Back Extensions 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs) 3 Rope Climbs (15ft)

Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds, For Total Reps in 17 minutes 1 Minute Wall Balls (20/14 lbs) 1 Minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lbs) 1 Minute Box Jumps (20 in) 1 Minute Push Press (75/55 lbs) 1 Minute Row (1 Calorie = 1 Rep) 1 Minute Rest Perform 1 minute of work at each of the 5 stations. …

CrossFit For Hope (aka: ‘Hope’)

3 Rounds, For Total Reps in 18 minutes 1 Minute Burpees 1 Minute Power Snatch (75/55 lbs) 1 Minute Box Jump, 24/20 in 1 Minute Thruster, (75/55lbs) 1 Minute Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 1 Minute Rest “Hope” has the same format as “Fight Gone Bad.” In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a …