Friday 01.17.25

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 20m Butt Kickers 20 Sit-Ups 10 Box Step-Ups B) EMOMx10 min: Odd: 30 seconds Row Even: 2 Pull-Ups 4 Push-Ups 8 Air Squats Workout 2 Rounds: 400m Row at RPE 8 2-minute rest between rounds 4 Rounds: 200m Row at RPE 8 2-minute rest between rounds 8 Rounds: 100m Row at …

Saturday 01.04.25

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Dumbbell Front Squats 10 Dumbbell Press 10 Dumbell Step-Ups on box B) 3 Rounds with an empty bar: 5 Slow Overhead Squats 5 Muscle Snatches, below the knee 5 Hang Power Snatch, below the knee Strength Power Snatch 2 reps @ RPE 6 2 reps @ RPE 7 …

Friday 03.08.24

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 400m Run 200m Walk B) 3 Rounds: 8 Dumbbell Thrusters 8 Box Step-Ups 8 Kipping Pull-Ups Workout “31 Heroes” AMRAP (with a Partner) in 31 minutes: 8 Thrusters (155/105 lb) 6 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 11 Box Jumps (30/24 in) Partners alternate 400m sandbag run (45/25 lb) Workout Tip Partner 1 …

Wednesday 01.17.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 20m Butt Kickers 20 Sit-Ups 10 Box Step-Ups B) EMOMx10 min: Odd: 30 seconds Row Even: 2 Pull-Ups 4 Push-Ups 8 Air Squats Workout 2 Rounds: 400m Row at RPE 8 2-minute rest between rounds 4 Rounds: 200m Row at RPE 8 2-minute rest between rounds 8 Rounds: 100m Row at …

Thursday 01.04.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Dumbbell Front Squats 10 Dumbbell Press 10 Dumbell Step-Ups on box B) 3 Rounds with an empty bar: 5 Slow Overhead Squats 5 Muscle Snatches, below the knee 5 Hang Power Snatch, below the knee Strength Power Snatch 2 reps @ RPE 6 2 reps @ RPE 7 …

Friday 07.29.22

Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run Then, 16 Calorie on the Row 16 Dumbbell Snatches 16 Ring Rows 16 Box Step-Ups 16 Ring Rows 16 Dumbbell Strict Press 16 Calorie Row Strength Superset A and B, then Rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 3 B. Strict or …

Friday 07.29.22

Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run Then, 16 Calorie on the Row 16 Dumbbell Snatches 16 Ring Rows 16 Box Step-Ups 16 Ring Rows 16 Dumbbell Strict Press 16 Calorie Row Strength Superset A and B, then Rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 3 B. Strict or …

Saturday 01.23.21

Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run Then, 16 Calorie on the Row 16 Dumbbell Snatches 16 Ring Rows 16 Box Step-Ups 16 Ring Rows 16 Dumbbell Strict Press 16 Calorie Row Strength Superset A and B, then Rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 3 B. Strict or …

Saturday 01.23.21

Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run Then, 16 Calorie on the Row 16 Dumbbell Snatches 16 Ring Rows 16 Box Step-Ups 16 Ring Rows 16 Dumbbell Strict Press 16 Calorie Row Strength Superset A and B, then Rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 3 B. Strict or …