Sunday 06.06.21

Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 400m Run 4 Burpees 4 Strict Pull-Ups 8 Deadlifts, with an empty bar 8 Front Squats, with an empty Bar 8 Hang Power Snatches, with an empty bar Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout: Variation A 12 minutes: 2000m Row Then, max rounds …

Sunday 05.09.21

Warm-Up 400m Run 400m Row 20 Russian Swings 20 Air Squats 20 Ring Rows 400m Run 400m Row Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A 12 Minute Clock 2000m Row Then, max rounds: 6 Strict Pull-Ups 12 Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 24 Air Squats – 3 …

Sunday 05.09.21

Warm-Up 400m Run 400m Row 20 Russian Swings 20 Air Squats 20 Ring Rows 400m Run 400m Row Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A 12 Minute Clock 2000m Row Then, max rounds: 6 Strict Pull-Ups 12 Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 24 Air Squats – 3 …

Friday 04.02.21

Warm-Up 7 Minutes of movement: 10 Calorie on the Rows 10 Close Grip Push-Ups 10 Ring Rows 10 Air Squats Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes. A. Ring or Bar Dips 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 B. Strict or Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 Strength Tip …

Friday 04.02.21

Warm-Up 7 Minutes of movement: 10 Calorie on the Rows 10 Close Grip Push-Ups 10 Ring Rows 10 Air Squats Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes. A. Ring or Bar Dips 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 B. Strict or Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 Strength Tip …

Wednesday 03.24.21

Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 7 Push-Ups 7 Ring Rows 7 Sit-Ups 14 Air Squats 14 calorie Row Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes: A. Ring or Bar Dips 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 B. Strict or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 Strength Tip After both movements are complete, rest …

Wednesday 03.24.21

Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 7 Push-Ups 7 Ring Rows 7 Sit-Ups 14 Air Squats 14 calorie Row Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes: A. Ring or Bar Dips 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 B. Strict or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 10 Reps@ RPE5 10 Reps@ RPE6x3 Strength Tip After both movements are complete, rest …