Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 2 Minutes on the Rower at RPE6: 20 Step-Ups 10 Dumbbell Snatches Left 10 Dumbbell Snatches Right 10 Overhead Squats with an empty bar Strength 5 sets: 1 Snatch High Pull 2 Power Snatches 3 Overhead Squats (Compare to 5/12/21) Note: you should work with a weight that you could power snatch …
Tag Archives: Dumbbell Snatch
Saturday 05.15.21
Warm-Up 8 Minutes of movement: 30 Jumping Jacks 15 Dumbbell Push Presses with an empty bar 15 Sit-Ups 15 Wall Balls Strength 1 Push Press 2 Power Jerk 3 Split Jerk 4 sets at an RPE 7 (compare to 5/8/21) Note: 1 set is all 6 movements. Build in the complex prescribed until you reach …
Saturday 05.08.21
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 30 Jumping Jacks 20 Sit-Ups 10 Strict Press with a barbell 5 Calorie Bike Strength 1 Push Press 2 Power Jerk 3 Split Jerk 3 sets at an RPE 7 Note: 1 set is all 6 movements. Build in the complex prescribed until you reach a difficulty of a 7/10 effort or …
Saturday 05.08.21
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 30 Jumping Jacks 20 Sit-Ups 10 Strict Press with a barbell 5 Calorie Bike Strength 1 Push Press 2 Power Jerk 3 Split Jerk 3 sets at an RPE 7 Note: 1 set is all 6 movements. Build in the complex prescribed until you reach a difficulty of a 7/10 effort or …
Thursday 04.29.21
Warm-Up Every 2 Minutes x 3, with an empty barbell: 3 Snatch High Pull, above the knee 3 Muscle Snatches, above the knee 3 Overhead Squats 6 Burpees Strength 4 sets: 1 Snatch High Pull 2 Power Snatches 3 Overhead Squats Note: you should work with a weight that you could power snatch for a …
Thursday 04.29.21
Warm-Up Every 2 Minutes x 3, with an empty barbell: 3 Snatch High Pull, above the knee 3 Muscle Snatches, above the knee 3 Overhead Squats 6 Burpees Strength 4 sets: 1 Snatch High Pull 2 Power Snatches 3 Overhead Squats Note: you should work with a weight that you could power snatch for a …
Friday 04.09.21
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Step Ups 10 Knee Raises 5 Dumbbell Power Cleans 5 Dumbbell Push Presses Strength Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1 + 1) @ RPE5 (1 + 1) @ RPE6 (1 + 1) @ RPE7x3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for the following complex. 1 Power Snatches …
Friday 04.09.21
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Step Ups 10 Knee Raises 5 Dumbbell Power Cleans 5 Dumbbell Push Presses Strength Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1 + 1) @ RPE5 (1 + 1) @ RPE6 (1 + 1) @ RPE7x3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for the following complex. 1 Power Snatches …
Tuesday 03.23.21
Warm-Up 7 Minutes of Movement: 40 Singles 20 Doubles 20 Walking Lunges 10 Wall Balls Strength Back Squats 5 Reps @ RPE5 5 Reps @ RPE6 5 Reps @ RPE7 5 Reps @ RPE8x2 Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions in the Back Squat for 2 sets. We are using the …
Tuesday 03.23.21
Warm-Up 7 Minutes of Movement: 40 Singles 20 Doubles 20 Walking Lunges 10 Wall Balls Strength Back Squats 5 Reps @ RPE5 5 Reps @ RPE6 5 Reps @ RPE7 5 Reps @ RPE8x2 Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions in the Back Squat for 2 sets. We are using the …
Saturday 03.06.21
Strength Tempo Overhead Squat 5 reps @ RPE 5 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7×3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for 5 repetitions in the Overhead Squat for 3 sets. The tempo will be (3-1-1-1). 3-seconds on the down. 1-second pause at the bottom, 1 second on the up. …
Saturday 02.27.21
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 2 Minute Row at RPE 7 15 Air Squats 15 Ring Rows 15 Hand Release Push-Ups Strength Superset A and B, Then Rest 3 Minutes. A. Close Grip Bench Press 12 Reps @ RPE 5 12 Reps @ RPE 6 12 Reps @ RPE 7 x 2 B. Wide Grip Bent Over …