Friday 06.21.24

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 10m Bear Crawl 10m Duck Walk 10 Ring Rows 10 Hand Release Push-Ups B) 3 Rounds: 20 Single Unders 10 Air Squats 5 Burpees Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Handstand Push-Ups 6-6-6-6-6 B. Bent-Over Row 12-12-12-12-12 Strength Tip Note: you will be superseding the movements …

Monday 06.17.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 4 Windmills, Each side 8 Dumbbell Snatches 12 Ball Slams B) 3 Rounds, with an empty barbell: 1 Snatch High Pull, above the knee 2 Muscle Snatches, above the knee 3 Power Snatches, above the knee 4 Overhead Squats Strength Snatch 2 @ RPE6 2 @ RPE7x2 sets 2 @ RPE8x3 …

Wednesday 06.12.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 12 Calorie Row/ Bike 12 Push-Ups 12 Ring Rows B) 3 Rounds: 16 Russian Swings 8 Strict Press, with an empty bar 4 Strict Pull-Ups Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes: A. Strict Handstand Push-Ups 6-6-6-6-6 B. Bent-Over Row 12-12-12-12-12 Strength Tip You will be supersetting the movements …

Saturday 06.08.24

Warm-Up A) Every Minute on the Minutes x 8 rounds: Minute 1: 5 Push-Ups 10 Sit-Ups Minute 2: 40 seconds Plank on elbows Minute 3: Row, at a moderate pace B) 3 Rounds: 8 Barbell Press, empty bar 8 Ring Rows 16 Ball Slams Strength Superset A and B then rest 3 minutes A. Strict …

Thursday 05.30.24

Warm-Up A) 12-9-6 Windmill, with a light kettlebell 24-18-12 Walking Lunges B) 3 Rounds of: 10 Hang Muscle Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar 10 Hang Power Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar – Rest 30 Seconds 10 Calorie Row – Rest 30 Seconds Strength A. Hang Snatch Above the Knees …

Sunday 05.26.24

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 15 Dumbbell Press 15 Calorie Assault Bike B) 3 Rounds: 8 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 4 Burpees 8 Calorie Bike 4 Dumbbell Snatches Workout 25 Minute Ladder: 4 Power Snatches, 75#/55# 4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 Calorie Bike Then, 8 Power Snatches, 75#/55# 8 Handstand Push-Ups 16 …

Saturday 05.18.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 10 Press, with an empty bar 200m Row B) 3 Rounds: 20 sec Handstand Hold 20 sec Rest 20 sec Plank Hold 20 sec Rest Strength 1 Push Press + 2 Split Jerk 1 rep every 2 minutes x 7 rounds @ RPE 7 Objective: build to an RPE …

Monday 05.06.24

Warm-Up A) 200m Run 10 Calorie Row 10 Walking Lunges 10 Dumbbell Deadlift 10 Dumbbell Push Press 10 Ring Rows 10 Cal Row 200m Run B) 3 Rounds starting with an empty bar and adding each round: 2 Strict Press 2 Push Press 2 Split Jerk Strength 1 Push Press + 2 Split Jerk Every …

Friday 05.03.24

Warm-Up A) 1 Round: 500m Row Then 3 rounds of: 8 Tempo Ring Rows (3-0-3) 8 Tempo Strict Dumbbell Press (3-0-3) (3 seconds down, zero pause, 3 seconds up) B) 1 Round: 10 Sit-Ups 10 Lunges 10 Sit-Ups 10 Air Squats 10 Sit-Ups 10 Wall Balls Strength Weighted Pull-Ups 2 sets x 5 reps @ …

Wednesday 03.06.24

Warm-Up A) 4 Rounds: 8 Step-Ups 8 Dumbbell Snatches 8 Toes-to-Bar B) 3 rounds with an empty bar: 10 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts 5 Muscle Snatches, at the hip crease 5 Overhead Squats 5 Power Snatches, at the hip crease Strength 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches 3 @ RPE 6 3 @ RPE 7 …

Thursday 02.15.24

Warm-Up A) 4 rounds: 50m Walk 150m Run B) 2 rounds: 10 Ring Rows 10 Sit-Ups 10 Dumbbell Strict Press Strength A. Pushing Variation: Strict Handstand Push-Ups Kipping Handstand Push-Ups Seated Dumbbell Press 8 @ RPE 6 8 @ RPE 7 8 @ RPE 8 8 @ RPE 9 B. Pulling Variation Strict Weighted Pull-Ups …

Monday 02.12.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Row 20 Barbell Press 10 Walking Lunges B) 2 Rounds: 12 Windmills 6 Burpees 3 Thrusters, with an empty bar Strength Every 75 seconds x 8 rounds 1 Split Jerks Objective: start at an RPE6 and build to an RPE of 9 for 1 Split Jerk every 75 seconds. Workout …