Monday 04.01.24

Warm-Up A) 500m Row Then, 10 Air Squats 10 Ball Slams 10 Wall Balls 10 Back Extensions B) 3 Rounds with an empty bar: 5 Back Squats 5 Good Mornings 10 Lunges 5 Strict Press Strength Back Squat 4 reps @ RPE 6 4 reps @ RPE 7 4 reps @ RPE 8 4 reps …

Thursday 03.28.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 15 Calorie Row 15m Bear Crawl 15 Dumbbell Press 15 Sit-Ups B) 3 Rounds: 4 Strict Press 8 Push Press 8 Kipping Pull-Ups Strength Push Jerk 2 @ RPE 6 2 @ RPE 7 2 @ RPE 8 2@ RPE 9 1×2 @ -8% of 2@ RPE 9 Strength Tip Objective: …

Tuesday 03.26.24

Warm-Up A) 4 Rounds of: 15 Single-Unders 15 Double-Unders 15 Air Squats 15 Knee Raises B) 3 Rounds with an empty bar: 5 Back Squats 5 Good Mornings 10 Lunges 5 Strict Press Strength Back Squat 4 reps @ RPE 6 4 reps @ RPE 7 4 reps @ RPE 8 4 reps @ RPE …

Monday 03.25.24

Warm-Up A) 1 Round: 500m Row 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 15 Tempo Dumbbell Press (3 seconds down each rep) 1 Minute Bike B) 2 rounds: 3 Strict Pull-Ups 9 Sit-Ups 6 Push-Ups 9 GHD Sit-Ups Strength EMOMx12: Minute 1 – Handstand Push-Up Minute 2 – Max Calorie Bike Minute 3 – Rest Objective: choose a …

Saturday 03.16.24

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 200m Run 100m Row 50 Double-Unders B) 2 Rounds: 5 Strict Press 5 Back Squat 5 Strict Press 5 Front Squat 5 Strict Press 5 Overhead Squat Strength Double-Up Choose one of the variations below you would like to work more on: Clean Variation: 1 Low Hang Power Clean + 2 …

Wednesday 03.13.24

Warm-Up A) 3-Minute Row B) 2 Rounds: 5 Strict Press 5 Back Squat 5 Strict Press 5 Front Squat 5 Strict Press 5 Overhead Squat Strength Double-Up Choose one of the variations below you would like to work more on: Clean Variation: 2 Low Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean from the floor Snatch …

Friday 03.08.24

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 400m Run 200m Walk B) 3 Rounds: 8 Dumbbell Thrusters 8 Box Step-Ups 8 Kipping Pull-Ups Workout “31 Heroes” AMRAP (with a Partner) in 31 minutes: 8 Thrusters (155/105 lb) 6 Rope Climbs (15 ft) 11 Box Jumps (30/24 in) Partners alternate 400m sandbag run (45/25 lb) Workout Tip Partner 1 …

Thursday 02.29.24

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 200m Row 200m Run 10 Dumbbell Snatches B) 2 Round with an empty bar: 6 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts 6 Muscle Snatches, from the hip 6 Power Snatches, from the hip Strength 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches 3 @ RPE 6 3 @ RPE 7 3 @ RPE 8×2 Strength …

Wednesday 02.21.24

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 10m High Knees 10m Butt Kickers 10 Russian Swings 200m Run B) EMOM x 6 Odd Minutes: Bike for 30 seconds. Even Minutes: 8 Romanian Deadlifts, with an empty bar 8 Front Squats, with an empty bar Strength Double-Up Choose one of the variations below you would like to work more …

Tuesday 02.20.24

Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 12 Calorie Row 12 Lunges 12 Push-Ups B) EMOM x 6: Odd Minutes: 8 Shoulder Rolls 20 Double-Unders Even Minutes: 8 Strict Press, with an empty bar 4 Strict Pull-Ups Strength Push Jerk 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8 Objective: build to …

Tuesday 02.06.24

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 10 Step-Ups 10 Sit-Ups 10 Ring Rows 10 Dumbbell Snatches B)3 rounds: 8 Dumbbell Push Press 8 Dumbbell Deadlifts 4 Push-Ups 4 Pull-Ups Strength A. Pushing Variation: Strict Handstand Push-Ups Kipping Handstand Push-Ups Seated Dumbbell Press 8 @ RPE 6 8 @ RPE 7×3 rounds B. Pulling Variation Strict Weighted Pull-Ups …

Monday 02.05.24

Warm-Up A) EMOMx10: Odd: 30 seconds of Double-Unders Even: 40 seconds Plank B) 1 min Bike @ RPE7 Then, 3 rounds: 12 Kettlebell Swings 12 High Box Step-Ups 12 Ring Rows Workout Compare to 1/22 A. 10 minutes Bike (for calories) at an RPE 8 5 Minute Rest B. EMOMx20: Minute 1: 10% of calories …