Sunday 05.02.21

Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 14 Sit-Ups 28 Double-Unders 14 Reverse Lunges 28 Double-Unders Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A Every Minute on the Minute for 25 rounds. Minute 1: 8 Devils Press, 50#/35# Minute 2: 16 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges Minute 3: 24 Sit-Ups Minute 4: …

Monday 04.26.21

Warm-Up 8 minutes for quality: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Air Squats 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Reverse Lunges 20 Sit-Ups Strength 1 Count Pause Front Squat 6 Reps @ RPE5 6 Reps @ RPE6 6 Reps @ RPE7 6 Reps @ RPE8x1 Note: the pause is a full 1 count in the bottom. You should not …

Monday 04.26.21

Warm-Up 8 minutes for quality: 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Air Squats 20 Jumping Jacks 20 Reverse Lunges 20 Sit-Ups Strength 1 Count Pause Front Squat 6 Reps @ RPE5 6 Reps @ RPE6 6 Reps @ RPE7 6 Reps @ RPE8x1 Note: the pause is a full 1 count in the bottom. You should not …

Thursday 01.21.21

Warm-Up 5 Rounds: :50 Bike at RPE 6 :10 Bike at RPE 8 Then, 3 Rounds: 10 Lunges 10 Air Squats 5 Close Grip Push-Ups 5 Kipping Pull-Ups Strength Back Squat 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8 x 3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 …

Thursday 01.21.21

Warm-Up 5 Rounds: :50 Bike at RPE 6 :10 Bike at RPE 8 Then, 3 Rounds: 10 Lunges 10 Air Squats 5 Close Grip Push-Ups 5 Kipping Pull-Ups Strength Back Squat 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8 x 3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 …

Monday 04.06.20

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 200m Run 20 Jumping jacks 10 Lunges, right leg 10 Lunges, left leg Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: 30-20-10 Kettlebell Swings Kettlebell Goblet Squats 60-40-20: Sit-Ups Variation B: 20-Minute Clock: 15 Push-Ups 15 sec Side Plank Right 15 sec Side …