Friday 12.08.23

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 200m Run 10 No Push-Up Burpee 10 Air Squat B) 3 Rounds: 10 Calorie Row 10 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 35#/25# 30 Double-Unders Workout 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Calorie Row 10 Hang Power Clean 135#/95#. AX – 95#/65# 5 Thrusters Then, 2 Rounds: 80 Double-Unders 40 Push-Ups 20 Wall Balls 20#/14# …

Wednesday 12.06.23

Warm-Up A) EMOMx8 min: Odd: Max Double-Unders Even: 20 Hollow Hold B) EMOMx8 min: Odd: Max Burpee Pull-Ups Even: 20 Handstand Hold C) EMOMx8 min: Odd: Bike at RPE 6 Even: 20 sec Bike at RPE 9 Workout 1000m Row for Time Then, 10x200m Row With 1:1 Rest Note: pace should be at your 1000m …

Tuesday 12.05.23

Warm-Up A) 4 rounds: 1 Minute Bike at RPE 6 30 seconds Row at RPE 9 B) 2 Rounds: 10 Dumbbell Snatches 10 Sit-Ups 10 Overhead Squats, with an empty bar Strength Power Snatch 3 reps @ RPE 6 3 reps @ RPE 7 3 reps @ RPE 8 3 reps @ RPE 9 Then …

Sunday 12.03.23

Warm-Up A) 4 rounds: 1 Minute Row at RPE 6 30 seconds Row at RPE 9 B) 2 Rounds: 10 Deadlift, with an empty bar 10 Ring Rows 10 Push-Ups Strength Deadlift 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8 5 reps @ RPE 9 Then 90% of …

Saturday 12.02.23

Warm-Up A) Athlete 1: holds a Plank Hold Athlete 2 Completes 3 rounds of: 5 Burpees 100m Row Then, switch B) Athlete 1: Double-Unders Athlete 2: 10 Sit-Ups 10 Air Squats 5 Sit-Ups 5 Air Squats Then, switch Workout “Eight Ball Corner Pocket” 8 Rounds, alternating each complete round: Row 200m 50 Double-Unders then 8 …

Friday 12.01.23

Warm-Up A) 1 Round: 400m Run 400m Row 200m Run 200m Row B) 2 Rounds: 10 Empty Bar Bench Press 20 Knee Raises 20 DB Front Squat Strength Bench Press 2 reps @ RPE 6 2 reps @ RPE 7 2 reps @ RPE 8 2 reps @ RPE 9 Objective: build to an RPE …

Monday 11.27.23

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 200m Run 10m Bear Crawl 10 Push-Ups 10m Bear Crawl 200m Row B) 2 Rounds: 10 Knee Raises 5 Burpees Strength Bench Press 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8×2 rounds Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions in the …

Friday 11.24.23

Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 5 Burpees 10 Ring Rows 15 Push Press, with an empty bar 20 Sit-Ups B) 3 Rounds: 1 min Calorie Bike at a 7/10 effort. 10 Front Squats, with an empty bar 100m Run Workout 3 Rounds: Every 3 Minutes Alternate A-B-C for 3 Complete rounds. A. 15 Power Snatches 15 …

Wednesday 11.22.23

Warm-Up A) 2 rounds: 250m Row 25 Sit-Ups 25 seconds Bar Hang B) 3 rounds: 5 Dumbbell Deadlifts 5 Ball Slams 10 Air Squats 5 Ball Slams Strength Deadlift 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ RPE 8×2 rounds Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions …

Tuesday 11.21.23

Warm-Up A) 4 rounds of: 12 Strict Dumbbell Press 20lb/10lb 6 Push-Ups Rest 30 sec 6 Box Jump 30”/24” 30m Sprint Rest 60 sec (walk back to dumbbells) B) 2 Rounds: 14 Second Handstand Hold 14 Second Bar Hang Strength Bench Press 5 reps @ RPE 6 5 reps @ RPE 7 5 reps @ …

Sunday 11.19.23

Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 400m Row 20 Ring Rows 20 Dumbbell Presses 10 Calorie Bike Strength Close Grip Bench Press 1 rep @ RPE 6 1 rep @ RPE 7 1 rep @ RPE 8 Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 1 repetition in the Close Grip Push-Ups. In this set, we are using …