Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 20 Singles 20 Double Unders 20 Ring Rows 10 Dumbbell Presses 10 Calorie Bike Strength Superset A and B then Rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 2 B. Strict or Weighted Pull-Ups 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 x 2 Note: …
Tag Archives: Strict Press
Saturday 01.02.21
Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 12 Lunges 12 Push-Ups 12 Ring Rows 200m Row Strength Superset A and B, then rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 B. Strict or Weighted Pull-Ups 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 Note: You should build to a weight …