A) 3 Rounds:
45 sec Side Plank Hold, RT
20 sec rest
45 sec Side Plank Hold, LT
20 sec rest
*Use the 20 sec rest at the end of round 3 as a transition into section (B)
B) 5 min time cap:
5 Strict Press, with an empty bar
10 Walking Lunges
20yd Sprint
3 sets x 5 reps Push Press
Objective: find a weight that is moderately challenging to build off of every week for the next 8 weeks. Rest 3 minutes between sets. (Week 4 of 8. Compare to 7/21)
Strength Tip
Stand with your feet under your hips, grab the bar with a grip that is slightly outside your shoulders. Squeeze the bar and press the bar overhead as you push your head back to maintain a straight bar path.
3 Rounds, 3 min AMRAP each:
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Ring Dips
8 Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35#
– 3 Minute Rest between rounds
Workout Tip
Muscle-Up: if athletes cannot perform muscle-ups have them change the workout to 8 Bar Dips or 8 close grip Push-Ups + 8 Kettlebell Swings.
Ring Dip: the press out of the second muscle-up does not count as the first ring dip. If the dip portion of the movement is challenging scale to 2 ring dips.
Kettlebell Swing: athletes should perform American Swings in unbroken sets.