4 Rounds:
8 Calorie Bike
8 Knee Raises
8 Dumbbell Press
8 Dumbbell Push Press
Push Press
5 reps @ RPE 6
5 reps @ RPE 7
5 reps @ RPE 8×1
Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 5 repetitions in the Push Press for 1 set of 5 repetitions. Stand in the front rack position with legs extended and under the hips. For each repetition, dip down, maintaining an upright position, and aggressively drive with the legs and press the bar straight overhead.
In this set, we are using the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges from 1-10, with 1 being absolutely no effort, and 10 being a maximum effort.
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.
Variation A:
15-12-9-6 For Time:
Calorie Bike
Thrusters, 95#/65#
Variation B:
4 Rounds For Time:
200m Run
20 Jumping Squats
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Workout Tip
Make sure to complete repetitions in 3 sets or less. Scale movements/ load as needed.