
7 Minutes of Movement.

200m Row at RPE6

10 Down-Ups

20 Ring Rows

10 Push-Ups 

20-Second Handstand Hold


Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout.

Variation A:

(Compare to Nov 13)

1-Minute Max Strict Pull-Ups 

[Rest 3 Minutes]

EMOM x 10

50% of Max Repetitions of Strict Pull-Ups Every Minute On the Minute for 10 Rounds. 

[Rest 3 Minutes]

200m Row For Time

[Rest 3 Minutes]

5 Rounds of 100M Row at 200m Row Pace

Variation B:

1 Minute Handstand Push-Ups

[Rest 3 Minutes]

EMOM x 10

50% of Max Repetitions of Handstand Push-Ups Every Minute On the Minute for 10 Rounds. 

[Rest 3 Minutes]

1-Minute Max V-Ups 

[Rest 3 Minutes]

EMOM x 10

50% of Max V-Ups for 10 Rounds 

Workout Tip

Make sure to keep track of your 1-minute max efforts, to base your back off sets off of them. Compare data to November 13th training if you have it.

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