A) 2 rounds:
200m Row
20m High Knee
20m Butt Kicker
20 Ring Rows
B) 2 Rounds:
40 seconds Plank hold
20 seconds rest
40 seconds Kettlebell Swings
20 seconds rest
40 seconds Cal on Bike
20 seconds Rest
8 @ RPE 6
8 @ RPE 7
8 @ RPE 8×2 sets
Strength Tip
Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 2 sets of 8 repetitions with every weight jump.
In this set, we use the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges from 1-10, with 1 being absolutely no effort, and 10 being a maximum effort.
16-12-8 For Time:
Dumbbell Snatches, R
Dumbell Snatches, L
400m Run
RX: 45#/30#
AX: 35#/25#
Workout Tip
AX – for masters athletes or novice athletes that want to move and have fun.
RX – most athletes that have training experience and want a little push!
RX+ – competitive athletes that want a little more dose of the good stuff.
Dumbbell Snatches: complete all repetitions on the Right arm, then complete the same amount of repetitions on the left arm (EX: round 1 – 16 Right, 16 Left)
Run: after each round of DB snatches run 400m.