
A) 2 rounds:
200m Row
200m Run
20 Walking Lunges

B) 2 rounds of:

20 seconds Wall Balls
20 seconds Wall Sit
20 seconds Rest
20 seconds Hollow Hold


Clean, from the floor

3 sets x 3 reps

Objective: build over the first three sets to a manageable weight, then repeat that weight for three more sets.

Strength Tip

If athletes’ technique is not there yet with the clean from the ground, stay above the knees and master this position first before adding more range of motion. Make sure athletes weight is in the middle of the foot, and their back is straight with their shoulders pinched back. From the ground, lift the bar and receive the bar in the front rack position in the bottom of the front squat.


For Time:

40 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#
200m Run
20 Hang Power Cleans, 95#/65#
200m Run
10 Hang Power Snatches, 95#/65#
200M Run

AX: 75#/55#

Workout Tip

Overhead Squats: athletes should be able to complete 10 repetitions everytime they grab the bar. If mobility or range of motion is not there for the overhead squat position, scale to front squats.

Hang Power Clean: athletes should be able to complete 10 repetitions everytime they grab the bar. Scale load as needed.

Hang Power Snatch: athletes should be able to complete 10 repetitions everytime they grab the bar. Scale load as needed.

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