10 Minutes of Movement
1 Minute on the Bike at RPE/10
15 Russian Swings
15 Ring Rows
15 Air Squats
Romanian Deadlifts
6 Reps @ RPE 6
6 Reps @ RPE 7
6 Reps @ RPE 8
Then take 85% of your 6@RPE8 weight and perform 6 repetitions every minute on the minute for 3 rounds.
Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 6 repetitions in the Romanian Deadlift, then take 15% off that load and perform 3 repetitions every minute on the minute with that load. Example (Build to 100lbs for a 6 rep at RPE 8. Then perform 85lbs for 4 repetitions every minute on the minute for 3 rounds.
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.
Variation A:
For Time:
Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35#
Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Calorie Bike
Variation B:
4 Rounds:
10 V Ups
10 Tuck Ups
10 Sit-Ups
1 Minute Plank After Each Round
1 Minute Rest
Workout Tip
For Variation A, make sure that all movements are completed in 2 sets or less. Scale load / reps as needed.