
3 Rounds:

40 Jumping Jacks

40 Mountain Climbers

8 Knee Raises – on the bar

8  Walking Lunges

4 Power Snatches – with an empty bar

4 Overhead Squats – with an empty bar


Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.

Variation A:

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Wall Balls, 20#/14#

8 Calories on the – on the Bike

[2 Minute Rest]

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Power Snatches, 75#/55#

8 Burpees – over the Bar

[2 Minute Rest]

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Hand Release Push-Ups

8 Toes-to-Bar

Variation B:

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Single Leg Squats

8 Burpees

[2 Minute Rest]

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Jumping Squats

8 Burpees – over the Bar

[2 Minute Rest]

8 Minute AMRAP:

16 Side-to-Side Mountain Climbers

8 Sit-Ups

Workout Tip

For Variation A, make sure all sets of Wall Balls and Power Snatches are complete in 2 sets or less. Scale load as needed.

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