
4 Rounds:

12 Step Ups on a Box

12 Russian Swings

12 Ring Rows

12 Wall Balls



Romanian Deadlifts  

6 Reps @ RPE6

6 Reps @ RPE7

6 Reps @ RPE8x1

Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 6 repetitions in the Romanian  Deadlift. No Back offs. 



Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.

Variation A:

3 Rounds of Both Stations:

A. 3-Minute Clock

20 Kettlebell Swings, 53#/25#

Max Box Jumps, 24”20”

90-Second Rest

B. 3-Minute Clock

20 Pull-Ups

Max Wall Balls, 20#/14#


Variation B:

3 Rounds of Both Stations:

A. 3-Minute Clock

20 Burpees, 53#/25#

Max Single-Leg Squats

90-Second Rest

B. 3-Minute Clock

200m Run

Max Close Grip Push-Ups, 20#/14#

Workout Tip

For each variation, complete the 20 repetitions buy-in in 1 minute or less. Scale movement as needed.

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