1 Round:
200m Run
200m Row
20 Air Squats
10 Muscle Snatches
5 Overhead Squats
10 Muscle Snatches
5 Empty Bar Thrusters
200m Run
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.
Variation A:
For Time:
40 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#
20 Hang Power Snatches, 95#/65#
10 Burpees Over the Bar
800m Run
800m Row
10 Burpees Over the Bar
20 Strict Press, 95#/65#
40 Hang Power Cleans, 95#/65#
Variation B:
For Time: 2 Rounds For Time
80 Jumping Squats
40 Wide Grip Push-Ups
20 Burpees Broad Jumps
800m Run
20 Burpees Broad Jumps
40 Close Grip Push-Ups
80 Jumping Lunges
Workout Tip
For Variation A, make sure the load on the barbell is light. Scale load as needed.