
A) 2 Rounds:

200m Row
20 Barbell Press
10 Walking Lunges

B) 2 Rounds:

12 Windmills
6 Burpees
3 Thrusters, with an empty bar


Every 75 seconds x 8 rounds
1 Split Jerks

Objective: start at an RPE6 and build to an RPE of 9 for 1 Split Jerk every 75 seconds.


4 Rounds For Time:

4 Squat Clean
8 Handstand Push-Ups
16 Calorie Row

RX+- 225#/155#. Strict HSPU.
RX -155#/105#
AX- 115#/75#. Shoulder to Overhead.

Workout Tip

AX – for masters athletes or novice athletes that want to move and have fun.
RX – most athletes that have training experience and want a little push!
RX+ – competitive athletes that want a little more dose of the good stuff.

Squat Clean: each round with the squat clean should be completed in 2 sets or less. Scale load as needed.

HSPU: each round of push-ups should be completed in 2 rounds or less. Scale variation or repetitions as needed.

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