
A) 3 rounds:

10m High Knees
10m Butt Kickers
10m Broad Jump
30 Second Plank

B) 3 Rounds:

15 Russian Swings
15 Air Squats
15 Strict Press with DB



3 reps @ RPE 6
3 reps @ RPE 7
3 reps @ RPE 8
3 reps @ RPE 9

Then 90% of 3@ RPE9 for 3 more sets fo 3

Objective: build to an RPE of 9 for 3 repetitions in the Deadlift, then perform 3 additional sets of 3 repetitions at 90% of your 3@ RPE9 of the day!

In this set, we are using the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges from 1-10, with 1 being absolutely no effort, and 10 being a maximum effort.


Alternate Station A and Station B for a total of 3 rounds each. The score is Max Burpees and Sit-Ups combined.

A. 2 Minute Clock:

12 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50#/35#
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans, 50#/35#
6 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead, 50#/35#
3 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50#/35#
Max Sit Ups

– 1 Minute Rest

B. 2 Minute Clock:

200m Run
Max Burpees

– 1 Minute Rest

Workout Tip

Station A: the dumbbell movements should not take you more than 1 minute to complete. Scale load as needed.
Station B: The run should not take you more than 1 minute to complete, scale distance as needed.

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