Warm-Up A) 5 Rounds: 1 min Row @ an easy pace 30 sec Row @ a hard pace B) 2 Rounds: 12 Kettlebell Swings 6 Burpees 3 Toes-to-Bar Strength Deadlift 3 @ RPE 6 3 @ RPE 7 3 @ RPE 8 Strength Tip Objective: perform only one heavy set of 3 repetitions of the …
Category Archives: Daily WOD
Thursday 05.30.24
Warm-Up A) 12-9-6 Windmill, with a light kettlebell 24-18-12 Walking Lunges B) 3 Rounds of: 10 Hang Muscle Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar 10 Hang Power Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar – Rest 30 Seconds 10 Calorie Row – Rest 30 Seconds Strength A. Hang Snatch Above the Knees …
Wednesday 05.29.24
Warm-Up A)3 Rounds: 20 Single-Unders 200m Row 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings B) 2 Rounds: 10 Wall Balls 10 Ring Rows 20 Double-Unders Strength Back Squat 3@ RPE 6 3@ RPE 7 3@ RPE 8 Strength Tip Objective: perform only one heavy set of 3 repetitions of the back squat. The volume is lowered this week. …
Tuesday 05.28.24
Warm-Up A) 1 Round: 200m Row 10 Ball Slams 10 Burpees 10 Walking Lunges 200m Row B) 2 Rounds: 6 Strict Press 3 Split Jerks 6 Push Press 3 Split jerks Strength 1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk 1 set @ RPE 8 Strength Tip Objective: perform only one heavy set of the complex. …
Monday 05.27.24
Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 10m High Knees 10m Butt Kickers 10m Broad Jumps 200m Run B) 3 Rounds: 6 Wall Balls 6 Ring Rows 6 Tempo Push-Ups 12 Sit-Ups Workout “Murph” For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-Ups 200 Push-Ups 300 Air Squats 1 mile Run In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of …
Sunday 05.26.24
Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 15 Dumbbell Press 15 Calorie Assault Bike B) 3 Rounds: 8 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53#/35# 4 Burpees 8 Calorie Bike 4 Dumbbell Snatches Workout 25 Minute Ladder: 4 Power Snatches, 75#/55# 4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 Calorie Bike Then, 8 Power Snatches, 75#/55# 8 Handstand Push-Ups 16 …
Saturday 05.25.24
Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 200m Row 10 Ring Rows 10 Dumbbell Strict Press B) 2 Rounds: 15 Sit-Ups 3 Burpees 10 Knee Raises 3 Burpees 5 Toes-to-Bar 3 Burpees Strength Deadlift 3@ RPE 6 3@ RPE 7 3@ RPE 8×3 sets Strength Tip Objective: build to an RPE of 8 for 3 sets of 3 …
Friday 05.24.24
Warm-Up A) 3 Rounds: 10m Broad Jumps 10m Butt Kickers 10m High Knees 10 Air Squats B) 9-6-3 reps of: Muscle Clean, above knees 200m-200m-200m Run Strength Hang Clean Above The Knees + Hang Clean Below The Knee + Clean: 1 @ RPE 6 1 @ RPE 7 1 @ RPE 8×3 sets Strength Tip …
Thursday 05.23.24
Warm-Up A) 5 Rounds: 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest: Push-Up Weighted Jump Ropes Bar Hang 1 Round = all 3 movements complete in sequence B) 2 Rounds with an empty bar: 10 Dumbbell Presses 10 Lunges, with an empty bar 30 seconds Plank hold Strength 1 Push Press + 2 Split Jerk: Every …
Wednesday 05.22.24
Warm-Up A) 4 Rounds of: 250m Row Rest 30 seconds 15 Ball Slams Rest 30 seconds B) 20-15-10-5: Abmat Sit-Up 100m Run after every round of sit-ups Strength Weighted Pull-Ups 3 sets x 5 reps @ RPE 7 Strict Pull-Ups 3 sets x 8 reps @ RPE 7 Strength Tip Build to an RPE of …
Tuesday 05.21.24
Warm-Up A) 12-9-6: Windmill, with a light kettlebell Overhead Squats, with an empty bar B) 3 Rounds of: 10 Hang Muscle Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar 10 Hang Power Snatches, above the knee with an empty bar – Rest 30 Seconds 10 Calorie Row – Rest 30 Seconds Strength Hang Snatch Above the …
Monday 05.20.24
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 10M High Knees 10M Butt Kickers 10M Lunges 1 Minute Row B) 3 Rounds: 9 Wall Balls, 14#/10# 6 Strict Pull-Ups 9 Push Ups Strengths Back Squat 3@ RPE 6 3@ RPE 7 3@ RPE 8×3 sets Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 3 sets of 3 repetitions with every …