
1 Round:

400m Run

40 Singles

20 Double Unders

10 Wall Balls

Then with an Empty Barbell,

3 Rounds:

3 Hang Power Cleans

3 Hang Squat Cleans

3 Thrusters



3 Sets:

1 Clean High Pull

1 Power Clean

2 Squat Cleans 

All sets completed at an RPE 7.


Strength Tip

Clean High Pull: From the ground,  pull the bar into your upper thigh and drive your elbows up as your hips and legs extend in a dynamic fashion.

Power Clean: You should have the weight in the middle of the foot, and keep your back straight while keeping your shoulders pinched back. From the ground lift the bar and receive the bar in the “Power Position” squat position with the hip crease above parallel. Squat Clean is a full clean from the ground where the athlete squats where the hip crease goes below the knee.



Variation A:

3 Rounds:

3 Ring Muscle Ups

6 Burpees Over the Bar

12 Power Snatches, 95#/65#

60  Double Unders

3 Ring Muscle Ups

3-Minute Rest


Variation B:

5 Rounds:

6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

9 Burpees 

12 V-Ups

15  Burpees

3-Minute Rest


Workout Tip

For variation A, make sure the load is something you can complete in 3 sets or less for the Ring Muscle-ups and Power Snatch. Scale Muscle Ups to 15 Strict Pull-Ups or 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups if needed.

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