3 Rounds:
200m Row
15 Knee Raises
10 Empty Bar RDL’s
5 Burpees
Romanian Deadlifts
6 Reps @ RPE 6
6 Reps @ RPE 7
6 Reps @ RPE 8 8×1
Objective: Build to an RPE of 8 for 6 repetitions in the Romanian Deadlift. No Back offs.
Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout.
Variation A:
For Time:
800m Row
40 Sit-Ups
20 Knee Raises
10 Toes to Bar
20 Knee Raises
40 Sit-Ups
800m Row
Variation B:
8 Rounds:
8 V Ups
8 Close Grip Push-Ups
8 Tuck Ups
8 Wide Grip Push-Ups
8 Sit-Ups
1 Minute Rest
Workout Tip
For Variation A, scale the ab movements from easiest to hardest. Each set should be completed in 3 sets or less.