Warm-Up 10 Minutes of Quality: 1-Minute Bike at RPE 6 20 Double Unders 10 Dumbbell Snatches 20 Ring Rows 10 Wall Balls Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20#/14# 15-10-5 Calorie on the Bike Then, 80 Double Unders 40 …
Tag Archives: Bike
Sunday 01.10.21
Warm-Up 10 Minutes of Quality: 1-Minute Bike at RPE 6 20 Double Unders 10 Dumbbell Snatches 20 Ring Rows 10 Wall Balls Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20#/14# 15-10-5 Calorie on the Bike Then, 80 Double Unders 40 …