Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 12 Lunges 12 Push-Ups 12 Ring Rows 200m Row Strength Superset A and B, then rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 B. Strict or Weighted Pull-Ups 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 Note: You should build to a weight …
Tag Archives: Row
Tuesday 01.05.21
Warm-Up Every 3 Minutes x 3 200m Row Then, With an Empty Barbell: 3 Snatch High Pull – Above the Knee 3 Muscle Snatches – Above the Knee 3 Overhead Squats Strength 3 sets: 1 Snatch High Pull 2 Power Snatches 3 Overhead Squats All sets completed at an RPE 7 Strength Tip Snatch High …
Saturday 01.02.21
Warm-Up A) 2 Rounds: 200m Run 12 Lunges 12 Push-Ups 12 Ring Rows 200m Row Strength Superset A and B, then rest 3 minutes. A. Strict Press 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 B. Strict or Weighted Pull-Ups 3@ RPE6 3@ RPE 7 3 @RPE 8 Note: You should build to a weight …
3 Rounds for Time 500 meter Row 12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight) 21 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds, For Total Reps in 17 minutes 1 Minute Wall Balls (20/14 lbs) 1 Minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lbs) 1 Minute Box Jumps (20 in) 1 Minute Push Press (75/55 lbs) 1 Minute Row (1 Calorie = 1 Rep) 1 Minute Rest Perform 1 minute of work at each of the 5 stations. …
The Ghost
6 Rounds for Total Reps in 24 minutes 1 minute of Rowing (for calories) 1 minute of Burpees 1 minute of Double-Unders 1 minute Rest Score is total reps after all 6 rounds, but the spirit of the workout is to try for as many reps as possible of each exercise, not just total score.