Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 200m Run 5 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Burpees 200m Row 5 Kipping Pull-Ups 5 Burpees Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Compare scores to 10.15.20 if you have them. Variation A: 5k Row for Time: – Rest 5 Minutes Pick One Variation for a …
Tag Archives: Run
Wednesday 05.04.22
Warm-Up 1 Round: 200m Run 20 Ring Rows 20 Walking Lunges 200m Run 10 Pull-Ups 10 Overhead Squats with an empty Barbell Strength Back Squat 5 rep @ RPE 6 5 rep @ RPE 7×3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for 5 repetitions in the Back Squats for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. …
Tuesday 05.03.22
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 400m Row 10 Walking Lunges 5 Burpees 10 Muscle Snatches 400m Run Strength 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 2 Power Snatch 1 Set @ RPE 6 1 Set @ RPE 7×2 Strength Tip Here we are using the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The chart ranges …
Monday 05.09.22
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 10 Calories on the Bike 15 Knee Raises 20 Russian Swings Strength Back Squat 5 rep @ RPE 6 5 rep @ RPE 7×3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for 5 repetitions in the Back Squats for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. In this set, we are using the RPE …
Sunday 05.01.22
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 200m Row 200m Run Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 800M Row 400M Run Then, 4 Rounds: 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerks, 135#95# 10 Box Jumps, 24”/20” 20 Wall Balls, 20#/14# Then, 800M Row 400M Run Variation B: …
Saturday 05.07.22
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 200m Row 200m Run 10 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 10 Muscle Cleans with a Barbell Strength 1 Clean High Pull + 1 Power Clean + 2 Power Clean 1 Set @ RPE 6 1 Set @ RPE 7×2 Strength Tip Here we are using the RPE chart to regulate the training intensity. The …
Saturday 04.30.22
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 30 High Knees 30 Butt Kickers 10 Russian Swings 10 Step-Ups 5 Burpees Strength Deadlift 5 rep @ RPE 6 5 rep @ RPE 7×2 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for 5 repetitions in the Deadlift for 2 sets of 5 repetitions. In this set, we are using the RPE …
Thursday 05.05.22
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 200m Run 5 Strict Pull-Ups 5 Burpees 200m Row 5 Kipping Pull-Ups 5 Burpees Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Compare scores to 10.15.20 if you have them. Variation A: 5k Row for Time: – Rest 5 Minutes Pick One Variation for a …
Friday 04.29.22
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 12 Cal Bike 12 Air Squats 12 Knee Raises 12 Muscle Cleans with a Barbell Strength 1 Clean High Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean High Pull + 1 Power Clean 1 Set @ RPE 6 1 Set @ RPE 7×2 Strength Tip Here we are using the RPE chart …
Wednesday 05.04.22
Warm-Up 1 Round: 200m Run 20 Ring Rows 20 Walking Lunges 200m Run 10 Pull-Ups 10 Overhead Squats with an empty Barbell Strength Back Squat 5 rep @ RPE 6 5 rep @ RPE 7×3 Objective: Build to an RPE of 7 for 5 repetitions in the Back Squats for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. …
Thursday 04.28.22
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 200m Run 4 Burpees 8 Ball Slams 12 Muscle Snatches with a Barbell Strength 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch 1 Set @ RPE 6 1 Set @ RPE 7×2 Strength Tip Here we are using the RPE chart to regulate …
Wednesday 04.27.22
Warm-Up 8 Minutes of Movement 200m Run 10 Calorie Bike 10 Calorie Row Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for a bodyweight workout. Variation A: 5k Row for time – Rest 5 Minutes Pick One Variation for a test. 5 Minute max repetitions:: Bar Muscle-Up Chest to Bar Pull-Up Strict …