Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 20 Singles 10 Doubles 5 Empty Bar Thrusters 2 Rounds: Then, With An Empty Bar 4 Muscle Cleans – Above the Knee 4 Strict Press 4 Muscle Cleans – Above the Knee 4 Front Squats Strength Hang Power Clean – Above the Knee 2 @ RPE 5 2 @ RPE 6 2 …
Tag Archives: Thrusters
Wednesday 03.10.21
Warm-Up 4 Rounds: 20 Singles 10 Doubles 5 Empty Bar Thrusters 2 Rounds: Then, With An Empty Bar 4 Muscle Cleans – Above the Knee 4 Strict Press 4 Muscle Cleans – Above the Knee 4 Front Squats Strength Hang Power Clean – Above the Knee 2 @ RPE 5 2 @ RPE 6 2 …
Sunday 02.28.21
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 2 Minute Row at RPE 7 15 Air Squats 15 Ring Rows 15 Hand Release Push-Ups Workout Variation A: 20 Minute AMRAP: 15 Calorie Row 10 Dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35# 5 Burpees Variation B: 20 Minute AMRAP: 400m Run 20 Jumping Squats 20 Wide Grip Push-Ups Workout Variation A: 12-9-6 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups Thrusters, …
Sunday 02.28.21
Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 2 Minute Row at RPE 7 15 Air Squats 15 Ring Rows 15 Hand Release Push-Ups Workout Variation A: 20 Minute AMRAP: 15 Calorie Row 10 Dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35# 5 Burpees Variation B: 20 Minute AMRAP: 400m Run 20 Jumping Squats 20 Wide Grip Push-Ups Workout Variation A: 12-9-6 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups Thrusters, …
Sunday 02.14.21
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 50 Singles 25 Double Unders Then, 10 Front Squats – With an Empty Bar 10 Push Presses – With an Empty Bar 5 Thrusters – With an Empty Bar Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 …
Sunday 02.14.21
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 50 Singles 25 Double Unders Then, 10 Front Squats – With an Empty Bar 10 Push Presses – With an Empty Bar 5 Thrusters – With an Empty Bar Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 …
Sunday 02.07.21
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 50 Singles 25 Double Unders Then, 10 Front Squats with an Empty Bar 10 Push Presses with an Empty Bar 5 Thrusters with an Empty Bar Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Calorie Row 10 …
Sunday 02.07.21
Warm-Up 3 Rounds: 50 Singles 25 Double Unders Then, 10 Front Squats with an Empty Bar 10 Push Presses with an Empty Bar 5 Thrusters with an Empty Bar Workout Choose variation A for a workout with weights or B for bodyweight workout. Variation A: For Time: 4 Rounds: 400m Run 20 Calorie Row 10 …
Wednesday 01.27.21
Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run 40 Singles 20 Double Unders 10 Wall Balls Then, With an Empty Barbell… 3 Rounds: 3 Hang Power Cleans 3 Hang Squat Cleans 3 Thrusters Strength 4 Sets Each: 1 Clean High Pull 2 Power Clean 3 Front Squats All sets completed at an RPE 7. (Compare lifts to 1.20.21) …
Wednesday 01.27.21
Warm-Up 1 Round: 400m Run 40 Singles 20 Double Unders 10 Wall Balls Then, With an Empty Barbell… 3 Rounds: 3 Hang Power Cleans 3 Hang Squat Cleans 3 Thrusters Strength 4 Sets Each: 1 Clean High Pull 2 Power Clean 3 Front Squats All sets completed at an RPE 7. (Compare lifts to 1.20.21) …
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Squats 5 Pull-Ups 10 Thrusters, 95 lb.
21-15-9 Reps For Time Thrusters (95/65 lbs) Pull-Ups “Heavy Fran” is a variant of “Fran,” with weights of 135 lbs/95 lbs for the Thrusters and weighted pull-ups at 45 lbs/30 lbs.